mercredi 5 décembre 2012

The Girl Effect

For those of you who missed it, here is the little video we watched and talked about on the day of the Volleyball tournament. It made me think a lot about the opportunities we have in this country that allow us (girls in particular) to reach our full potential, especially knowing that some places on this big beautiful planet have the urge to deem them less worthy than our male counterparts.

This is not to say that girls are superior, but simply to say that they are entitled to all the same praise and value and esteem as any other person. Imagine what could be accomplished in those countries if we encouraged the help and ideas of ALL its inhabitants! Hope to hear some of your thoughts on this one. You can respond to this on your own blog or comment on mine if you like. Either way, I will read it.

4 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I think this a pretty interesting video Seeing how just giving 20$ or so can change the life of every girl on the planet. It also makes you think on how sexist the world is, because all girls should have the power to go to school and have a life.

Anonyme a dit…

Ya I agree with you. It's a very powerful vidéo

DD-QA a dit…

Awesome comments guys. Glad to see that you're giving this some thought. The first step to solving some of the injustices in the world is to be sure people are aware that they exist.

Anonyme a dit…

and girl!