jeudi 27 septembre 2012

Michael Jordan - Failure

It sure is encouraging to hear from a leader in his field that failure is a necessary part of success. This video goes nicely with the Famous Failures video. See the post below for topic ideas.

Famous Failures

It's hard to believe that so many famous people have not always been the best at what they do. I think that we need to be reminded once in a while that to get to where we want to go, we're going to have to make a few mistakes, learn from them, and fail better until we finally succeed.

What have you failed at? What have gotten good at? Have you always been good at it? Have you had to make sacrifices in order to get good? Have you needed help? Was it sometimes hard to believe in yourself along the way? What got you through? Are you still working on something? What keeps you going?

mercredi 26 septembre 2012

Directives pour Googldocs

Créer un Googledoc et l'afficher dans votre blog est assez simple. Le document attaché ci-dessous vous l'explique en étapes faciles à suivre.


mardi 25 septembre 2012

The Lost Generation

The first time I saw this video, I was apalled at what I was hearing. I kept waiting for the message to become more positive and when it reached the end, I wondered how they could ever fix such a negative message. The twist sure impressed me. Poetry and a creative mind can sure come up with some interesting products.

Which lines in this poem speak to you? Do you see the world as being more like the first reading or like the second? Do you think this generation has enough care and inspiration to see to it that our world heads in the right direction? How does this make you feel about the future?

Cold Case Videos

Peer pressure is a very real issue that affects people of all ages, although it is more known for its effects on teenagers. Some face it head on and others skirt the issue by going along with the expectations of others. How we stand up to it (or fail to) often defines us as we allow or resist others in controlling us. Who would you relate to in this video?

lundi 24 septembre 2012

Les gestes et les interactions parmi les comédiens

Deux vidéos comiques pour démontrer l'importance des gestes (parfois exagérés), les expressions du visage, et les interactions avec les autres comédiens pour rendre un scène vivante. Visionner ces scènes afin de vous faire des notes d'études pour énumérer les caractéristiques d'un comédien de qualité.

Choisissez une des vidéos postées et faites une liste de gestes, expressions, et interactions avec les autres comédiens qui rendent la scène drôle.Écrivez votre rapport dans un message de blogue. Les libellés sont: Comédiens, Expressions, Gestes, MrBean.

The Sunscreen Song

This video has at least one lesson for everyone. I can watch it several times and find something new each time. What you get out of it will depend on a number of things: What you believe about life right now, what you believe about the future and what you have already lived. Different people will smile at different points during the video based on those factors.

Take the time to rewatch this one a couple times. Which of the gems of advice speaks to you? Why? Does it change the way you see the future?

The Deathcrawl

The first time I saw this video, it gave me goosebumps. There is nothing more powerful for a teacher than to recruit an influencial student to be the advocate for whjat you are trying to teach. I love the way this kid was shown how far his influence could go. The other players would no longer doubt their willingness to give it their all and the entire team will benefit from the example the coach made of the player in question.

I also love that the coach got right down on the ground with this kid when the kid was ready to give up on himself. He was reminded that he is not alone and that he would always have others on his side in life.

This is a football video, but the message reaches much farther than the field of play. It is a life lesson in disguise. Can you see through it?

You Walk, The Country Walks

This little video has remained my favourite for several years. Every time I watch it, I get something new out of it. The themes are endless and the effects chosen by the director are obviously very well thought out. The way the rain symbolizes the problem and the sun signifies the resolution of the problem...

Most people would be able to identify with at least one character in this video. Who would you be? The kids who believes enough to inspire all those who stand by? The first one to join in? Those who want to help in the efforts of a child? One who complains, blames or looks the other way? One who waits for someone else to solve the problem? One who sleeps through it, yet benefits from the work of others.

Another inspirational part is the fact that there are so many types of people who are a part of the solution. There are children and adults, modern and tradtional, men and women... It doesn't matter who you are, you have a part to play. What would your part be?

jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Don't Give Up

A little gem shared with me by a former student. This one is gripping, whether or not you are an animal (or even a nature) lover. It is not just about whether or not you care about those things but could you live without them.

What stands out for you in this one? What do you walk away with? Does it make you aware of things that you (or others you know) need to change in order to avoid this kind of situation?

Did You Know?

The music in this video attracted me at first and the speed and collection of random facts complimented it well as the whirlwind we live in was accentuated! There are so many thinks to learn and know that it is a wonder we are able to keep up at all.

What I ask myself when I watch this is, "Do I need all this information?" and "Now that I know what I know, what should I do about it?" What will stand out for you in this one. One suggestions might be to watch it a few times and choose a couple points mentioned in this video that are most important (or interesting) to you. Try to explain why it matters to you and how it changes what you think.

Children See, Children Do

I show this video every year hoping students will see beyond the parent/child relationship.The responsibility we all share in shaping future generations is made obvious in this clip and it is my wish that it will stick with you somehow.

In a world where we idolize Family Guy and Homer Simpson, we are forgetting that very young children are very impressionable and that what we consider funny or cool becomes what they strive for. Is this what we want for them?

We also laugh or scoff at the image of a child displaying a traditionally adult behaviour (smoking, drinking, swearing, etc), but why is it less funny or disturbing when an adult (who is supposed to know better) does it?

Food for thought anyway. Anxious to hear what you have to say about this one.

mardi 11 septembre 2012

Attack on World Trade Centre

On the anniversary of the attack on the World Trade Center, we viewed this video to educate and remind students about this historical event. As you were too young to remember it, I would like to make you aware of this tragic event so that it will not be forgotten in the future.

You are encouraged to consider the perceptions of the various participants and spectators of this event and to understand the impact it will have for generations to come. Those who lost their lives, those who survived, those who lost loved ones, those who watched from afar - all affected in one way or another.

 I am anxious to hear what you have to say about this one.

Jason McElway - A Basketball Hero

A former student shared this inspirational video with me a few years ago and I have been showing it to students ever since. It is loaded with so many personal themes that most students can connect one one level or another.

Some of the themes identified by students this year were about acceptance of others despite significant differences, giving value to the talents of others, and the importance of encouragement vs criticism. My only hope is that it had enough of an impact to reach farther than the response notebook. Time will tell.

The Power of One

This video includes some great examples from our world's history when courageous individuals remained strong in the face of adversity to stand firm in their beliefs. How many of them can you identify? What can you learn about their circumstances?

These examples also make us analyse our reality as we become aware of how easy it has become for us to sit back and wait for someone else to take that first step. Ask yourself what you would be willing to make sacrifices for. Would it be your family, your friends, your country or your religion? Do you think the world will continue to change for the better?

Do you think there are enough people who inspire change to make a difference in the world? Do you see yourself one day being one of those people? Explain why or why not.

samedi 8 septembre 2012

A Dozen Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

First of all, I would like to start off by telling you a few "little known" facts about me - things that you would not normally know just by being in my class...

1. I am the second in a family of 6 children. Being one of the oldest certainly had its advantages, but the example I had to set for the younger ones could cramp my style just as easily.

2. I studied the classical violin for 12 years, starting at the age of 4. By 11, I was certain I would one day be a concert violinist.

3. One of my obsessions as a child prompted me to become a teacher. Would you believe it has something to do with new school supplies every September?

4. I LOVE to read and I am never without a book. (OK, this one will be very obvious to you if you are in my class - or even in the same school.)

5. I have recently taken an interest in photography. I see the world so differently now that I can picture everything immortalized on film.

6. I would one day like to be a published writer. I'm certain there's a story in me that's itching to get out.

7. I love to laugh. Except when in church. My sister can certainly back me up on that one.

8. I have never had a cup of coffee in my life. Am I the only adult in the natural world that cannot stand the taste?

9. I plan to run the half marathon (at least) in the Manitoba Marathon next June. OK, I never in a million years thought I would be doing this in my lifetime!

10. I would love to travel the Earth. There is far too much to experience in one lifetime and I am already so far behind!

11. When I read, I sometimes forget who I am. I experience guilt and shame, embarrassment and joy through the characters in the stories before I remember that I am not really there.

12. I was almost kicked out of a Bon Jovi concert for smoking pot. Just remember, things are not always as they seem!