First of all, we have the bully. This is not a tough one to figure out, but they do come in different types. There are those who physically bully others, those who prefer to inflict emotional hurt, and those who redefine what they will socially allow for their victims. I am not sure why some people feel entitled to decide what happiness or comfort others should be allowed to enjoy, but there seem to be an awful lot of people who give themselves this liberty.
The second player is the victim. I know that there are many reasons a child (or adult) is targeted but are any of them valid? A person acts, dresses, talks, or behaves differently. Is it my place to ridicule them, or to correct them based on my definition of what is acceptable? Is it up to me to remind them that they are different, to point out to them that no one likes them the way they are? Sometimes they are easy targets. They are shy or physically weak, or even slower at accomplishing tasks (academic, athletic, musical or other). Again, is this a good enough reason to belittle them? What does any bully stand to gain by making someone else feel worthless or unliked or unpopular? If the answer is nothing, then WHY do they keep doing it?
The third (and possibly most important) player is the witness. We do not give him or her the attention he or she deserves. By deciding not to get involved, the witness is saying that what they see is OK. If it wasn't OK, they would surely do something about it. You disagree? It's more complicated than that? I would love to know why. Some will answer that others would look down on them for being a snitch. Shouldn't they worry more about others looking down on them for allowing the bullying to continue? Would others really say, "Yeah, we don't like him (or her) because they don't stand by and let people get bullied"? If they would, are these the kinds of people you really care to impress?
The behaviours we value sometimes baffle me. People say they are just not getting involved. The fact of the matter is that you are involved the minute you witness it. The question remains...
What are you going to CHOOSE to do about it?
Think about it carefully. Your response (translated through your actions) is spelled out in two ways.
1. I choose to get help (or do something myself) because what is happening is wrong and I will not stand by and allow it to continue.
2. I choose to allow this to continue by doing nothing.
Either way, it is your choice. Either way, your actions speak volumes about your character and your compassion towards another human being who has just as many feelings and rights to feel safe as you do. Either way, it defines you. So I ask you...
How would you rather be known?
15 commentaires:
This is such an AMAZING response to such an AMAZING video, and I would like to be able to write something like that eventually
The fact that you are thinking about the way it is written is half the battle. You are already a very strong writer. You'll be there sooner than you think. Refer back to this one the next time you respond to something and it may help guide you.
This video really connected to me because in grade 5 I was teased a lot and didn't just want to move on but with help I did move on. This inspired me to stick up for other people.
I feel super sad that kids pick on him he did not did noting to him so why do they pick on him
This video made me feel in a way that I never felt in a while, because I have been on both sides of the coin, like bullying some students and being bullied by my friends. I feel so sad for him and I'm happy that he is stronger than the bullies and it shows that you can be stronger than them.
I think that he is very strong and I think it's not right to bully..........
This video reminds me of the time I was bullied in grade 3 I was teased because I had oval glasses and they said I look ugly I always run home and cry but I became tougher and faced the bullies and it didn't work so I told their teacher and Ithey didn't tease me again so this video was related to me
I feel so sad for him but what I can't believe is he was picked on since grade 1
I'm really glad to see that there are so many people who have shown empathy for this boy. The first time I saw it, it affected me because I kept thinking that it could just as easily be one of my own children. No parent wants to hear that their child is the victim of cruelty. I'm saddened to hear that many of you have also had this experience. It's great that you can connect with the texts and videos you read and watch, but unfortunate when it's of a negative nature.
I appreciate the comments you are sharing because many students will notice that the problem is not a unique one. As I mentioned in the response I wrote, the witness is in a position to make an incredible difference and if we all get a little more involved, the problem may suddenly start to find a solution. It is in us if we choose to do something about it. I suppose awareness is the first step.
Wow, a lot of kids really like your blog post. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
This is an amazing Video response you did. I never thought people could never get over bullying, what does it make you fell? Why can't you just make friendship with them. But did he give up? No he did not.
This is an amazing Video response you did. I never thought people could never get over bullying, what does it make you fell? Why can't you just make friendship with them. But did he give up? No he did not.
This video im wondering whats happening to him right now I hope he feels much better now. When i watched this video in class holy molly i wanted to take a stick and hit evreyone who was doing this to him and hit right on the head . I wonder how do the bully's feel watching video posted on youtube with these kids blowing there hearts seeing whats it is doing to them.And it gets showns on tv HOW DO THEY FEEL LIKE REALLY!!!!
This video was very heart breaking, bone-chilling. I thought he was going to kill himself but he was stronger than that. I felt so proud of him even though I have never met him or anything.I could imagine possibly a family member or friends that might feel like that. It would hurt me so bad to see someone grieving and having such a hard time.Why do people do that to their own kind????
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