samedi 13 octobre 2012


I took this picture while lying
on my back in a park in Portland.
This summer, I took up photography and my vision of the world has changed. I have been rifling through samples of photos taken by professional photographers and I am made aware that they are capturing life and art in our midst. I am forever in awe of the images that they bring to life by seeing the potential behind the scenes that appear before them every day.

When I started learning more about techniques and composition, I started to see what they see. People wear art on their faces, in the wrinkles they have inherited over time and in the expressions their eyes cannot mask. I now see why the eyes have been called the windows to the soul.

 I have a ways to go, but I will never again miss the opportunity to appreciate the beauty that surrounds me every day as I try to capture the moments that render life immortal - through my lens.

This one is still a work in progress, but feel free to leave me your comments. I have included the link below.

Through the Lens (about the way photography has helped me to see the world with new eyes)

2 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

I really like the picture you posted. Its pretty cool!!!!!!!

Anonyme a dit…

I really like the picture you posted. Its pretty cool!!!!!!!